Binge Drinking Study Results Mixed, More Testing Needed
Binge Drinking Highest Among Underage Students
Remember when drinking was you and a couple of friends pooling your money for a couple of cases of beer, and you drank until it was all gone? Oh, thats what you still do? Well apparently this is called binge drinking, and new scientific studies suggest it may not be good for you. They define binge drinking as having five or more drinks in a row.
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that college students commonly binge drink and the proportion of current drinkers that binge is highest in the 18- to 20-year-old groups."
While the message of the study, published in Pediatrics, is mostly grim there is an unintentional silver lining for a weekend warrior who doesn't intend on giving up his beerpong title belts just yet;
"Most people who binge drink are not alcohol dependent" and "The CDC highlighted that binge drinking is strongly associated with sexual activity".
They almost had me worried there. Now whose got next? I have a title to defend.
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