Saturday, January 27, 2007

Phi Delt Case May Be Overturned...Again

Attorney General Appealing Ruling in UI Frat Case

As originally reported by the Frat Boy News earlier this week, the University of Iowa's chapter of Phi Delta Theta was awarded $127,000 in damages for alleged hazing.

The university attempted to record a hazing event using a wire. The evidence was later found to not be circumstantial in court, and the brothers sued the school, the state, and the university official who lead the investigation. Phi Delta Theta won the case, and was awarded the money.

To good to be true - a frat actually winning a court case. Well, it turns out it may be.

The state attorney general is appealing the ruling in the 2001 incident and the fraternity may have to pay the money back if they lose.

As always, the Frat Boy News will keep you posted. Good luck guys!


Anonymous said...

That's not the house.

Rizzy Rizzy Chi said...

Our Mistake! Pictured above it the Phi Delt house at Iowa State, this story is about the Phi Delts at University of Iowa.

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