Ball State Gets First New Frat in 8 Years
Fraternity Joins BSU Greek Community
There's a new frat at Ball State, and its the university's first in 8 years. In an effort to increase interest in Greek life, the campus added Delta Sigma Phi to its group of fraternites. "This also challenges current fraternities in a healthy way and can breathe new life into the community," said Cara Luyster, the school's director of student life.
The university said Delta Sigma Phi will be looking for students who have a dream of someday starting their own business to become young leaders in the frat.
"Unlike other chapters that do events at their houses, we recruit on a more personal basis," he said. "We take them out to dinner and get to know them. We are just trying to add a fresh face to the Greek community, said Ben Breunig, the fraternity's national expansion director."
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