Saturday, February 03, 2007

FIJIs Return to Case Western

Phi Gamma Delta Returns to Case after 2-year Hiatus

Case Western Reserve University witnessed the return of Phi Gamma Delta after being absent from campus the past two years. Also known as FIJI, the fraternity was established on Case's campus in 1875, but was closed in 2004. While the fraternity was closed for the typical reasons, they were fortunate to maintain their charter, so it did not have to be re-colonized, a which can be an involved process.

Representatives of FIJI are on Case's campus recruiting prospective men. They have employed the help of the several sororities on campus in the recruiting process. Each sorority will recieve points for the men they recommend and actually pledge.

"We are very thankful for the sorority recommendations," said FIJI field secretary Marcus Hitt. "We'd met with many interested men even before the info sessions, which is unusual."

Phi Gamma Delta has several inovative programs in place to promote academics. The Academic Acheivement Award is a $250 prize awarded to pledges who maintain a 3.0 gpa during pledging. Non-members at Case can apply for the White Star scholarships, worth up to $1000 a year. There is also scholarships for members that have been established by Case's FIJI alumni, which total over $10,000 a year.

Congratulations on the return to Case Western, FIJI's. We know campus will benefit from a few good men under one roof.

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