Fratty, Fratty, Fratty, Fratty
The editors of the Frat Boy News recently came across a site you guys need to be aware of in our extensive efforts to bring you the latest in everything that is fraternity news. Aparently, there's a few guys over at the site determined to mock and ridicule fraternities.
"Fratting Hard" has taken it upon themelves to create a dictionary of words which they think the stereotypical fraternity guy uses in his vocabulary. Here a few examples from their site:
Fratdaddy - Noun: A male who is currently active in his fraternity or is continuing a fratty lifestyle after graduation.
Sorostitute - Noun: A female who is currently active in her sorority or is continuing a fratty lifestyle after graduation (for picture, see fratdaddy)
Fratitude - Noun: the state of mind at which one embraces those things that are truly fratty and rejects those things which exemplify douchebaggery.
GDI - Noun/Adjective: Abbreviation/Euphemism for someone who’s not in a fraternity/sorority
Total Frat Move - Noun: An action taken by a fratdaddy or sorostitute that contains characteristics which are deemed to be totally of a fratty nature, therefore making the action a total frat move
Shackwear - Noun: A fraternity t-shirt worn by sorostitutes after shacking at a fratdaddy’s house to avoid doing the walk of shame in her attire from the previous night.
Rushee Beer - Noun: beer (typically Milwaukee’s Best, Natural Light, or Pabst Blue Ribbon) that is so cheap and of such low quality that it is reserved for rushees at a fraternity party
Man, these guys over at "Fratting Hard" layed it all down and spelled it right out for us. Here's their mission statemnt: is committed to providing fratty education of the utmost quality to both those who wish to frat hard and also those who already frat hard but wish to frat even harder. We are dedicated to our mission to provide information that will promote fratting hard while significantly reducing the ever present threat of global douchebaggery.
Their editorial staff uses the pen names of characters from "Animal House." No word as to what their real names are, the college the attend, or anything like that. They must be some pretty sweet dudes if they had time to put all this stuff up on their site. Thanks FrattingHard, what would we do without guys like yourselves. Oh wait, fraternities have survived for almost some 200 odd years without dbags like yourselves.
Frattinghard is a TFM and your site is NF.
TFM by anonymous.
You're probably some northern gelhead douchebag who wouldn't udnerstand Southern tradition.
I clicked on The frat boy news thinking i was going to get the same great quality of frattiness that pours out of but was very upset when I discovered that FBN was run by a bunch of dickholes from unfratty houses up north. I guess brotherhood to you is wearing matching affliction shirts, flatbill hats and trying to get ass by playing your new 3oh3! album...How about you come down south, and see if you even would get a fuckin' bid
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