Saturday, February 10, 2007

New Beta and DKE Mansions Coming Soon at 'Bama

New fraternity houses' construction on schedule

Delta Kappa Epsilon and Beta Theta Pi have both seen their houses torn down only to start on the construction of new chapter homes at the University of Alabama.

"We're going to build something that lasts for years and years," said a representative from the construction administration. "It's a lot like building a custom home. It's very high maintenance," he continued.

The new houses will be adjacent to the plaze near the university's football stadium. Officials said construction costs total about $10 million.

"We had mixed emotions at first when we heard what was going to happen, but when they showed us the plans, we were very excited about what they wanted to do with the stadium and, in hindsight, we're very pleased with the way it turned out," said a DLE alumni. The new house will be large enough for 29 brothers to call it home.

"We've been having to have our parties at bars and with all of the new pledges there's been no place to party," one Beta said. "It'll be really nice having our place back so we can party. Really, that's one of the big things is having a place to hold functions and where we can all get together."

That's right Beta brother, it's all about getting together to party my friend.

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