Sunday, February 25, 2007

Student Starts Gay Fraternity at Berkeley

New Frat Hopes To Boost Activism

The new gay fraternity, Sigma Epsilon Omega, started by junior Travis Garcia, pictured right, at the University of California-Berkeley. It's goal is to promote gay activism and awareness of gay issues. The gay fraternity is not just for gay men, however. Membership is open to all, strait and gay alike, but the organization is focused on gay right and other similar issues.

For now Sigma Epsilon Omega is a Greek letter organization, like a business fraternity or honors society. It's recognized as a student organization, but is not yet an official fraternity, which would require recognition by Berkeley's IFC. This has not stopped the organization, which is handing out bids this spring and plans on having a house by next fall.

“A fraternity is pretty hard to start,” Garcia said. “We are talking about difficulties such as a lack of leadership and liability. These organizations require time, effort and dedicated people.”

The liability he is referring to is the $1 million dollars in liability insurance, which is required by the Interfraternity Council. Its really only IFC which has the ability to prevent SEO from becoming a traditional fraternity.

“With over 30 chapters, the IFC has a proud and storied tradition of being an inclusive and diverse organization,” said IFC President Nikhil Bhagat. “SEO, and other organizations, will be welcomed and evaluated according to the same basic standards of membership as any other fraternal organization.”

As far as we can tell Sigma Epsilon Omega is not affiliated with the Big Gay Frat House, which raises money for gay activism in San Fransisco, and is run by three Berkeley alumni, two of which were in a fraternity.


Anonymous said...

fuckin fags

Anonymous said...

silly faggots dix are for chix

Anonymous said...

only in california.... well i think we need another kent state know do a much needed cleaning of frat house but with assault rifles

Anonymous said...

jeff ott is a hypocrite faggot lover that should have kept shooting heroin...he actually was cool then now hes just a washed up no talent hack that uses stupid leftist liberal bullshit to air his grievences with the world because he sucks.......fuckin queers

mattie g. said...

you're all a bunch of useless homophobes.

Anonymous said...

wow. you guys are just complete morons who are disgraces to the Greek community. this guy has twice the balls you'll ever have for starting an inclusive fraternity promoting the very ideals the Greek community was founded upon in a world full of imbeciles like you. Just do us all a favor and go sit in a hole somewhere.

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