Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Washing Machines, Women's Restrooms and Dirty Smoke Detectors

The Frat Boy News daily campus police report for Wednesday:

Texas Tech University (compiled by Paul Roberts, The Daily Toreador)
Feb. 18 - Police investigated criminal mischief in the basement laundry room of a residence hall. According to reports, a washing machine was damaged.

Feb. 19 - Police investigated theft in the women's restroom at the Student Union Building. Police said a student's unattended wallet and its contents were taken from the location on Feb. 13.

Feb. 19 - Police responded to a medical emergency at the bottom of the emergency medical service ramp at the Health Sciences Center. Police said a male non-student was suffering from a possible drug overdose and was transported to the UMC.

Feb. 19 - Police responded to a fire alarm in a residence hall. Police said a dirty smoke detector set off the second-floor alarm.

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