Frat Boy News Exclusive:
All Charges Dropped in Duke Lacrosse Case
Ex-Duke Players Await an Announcement
A report Tuesday night by ABC News and ESPN said that North Carolina attorney general Roy Cooper will announce that all charges have been dropped against the three defendants in the Duke University sexual assault case.
Sources didn't say when the announcement will come or why the charges against Reade Seligmann, David Evans, and Colin Finnerty are now being dropped. The three former members of the Duke lacrosse team were facing charges of first degree kidnapping and first degree forcible sexual offenses for a March 2006 party where two private dancers had been hired to perform, one who said she was violently raped.
Through the entirety of the court proceeding, the three Duke men maintained their innocence, and even called the alleged rape a fantastic lie. Rape charges were initially dropped in December after the victim changed key details in her story.
Evans graduated from the university prior to being indicted, while Duke temporarily suspended sophomores Finnerty and Seligmann.
nifong should be hung
he's going to lose his license to practice law
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