Drunk Concordia Student Ran Over By Train
Police Identify Man Killed When Struck by a TrainA student from Concordia College was killed Sunday in Minnesota after being ran over by a truck when he was drunk.
Student Adam Bertek, 21, had a blood alcohol level of .197 when he was ran over by the train early Sunday morning. Police said he had gone to several downtown-area bars before being getting run over.
“That is a very high blood-alcohol content,” the local police chief told the Associated Press. “I wouldn’t be able to stand up.”
is this supposed to be funny because it's not something to joke about...
I don't think we made any jokes about it, buddy.
i'm a friend of adam and a fellow concordia student. i came across your article- i dont think you meant to make any jokes about the situation but your article, written somewhat poorly, seems to be very cold. it seems to place a lot of emphasis and blame on his drunkeness, which is being proven not the case by witnesses. its easy to write so impersonally when its an event not close to you-- word choice such as "run over" is hard for ME to read, however. i understand though that you seem to be sending a message to ppl--- be smart when drinking. and watch out for trains.
I also was supprised at your unprofessionalism on your website. I would hope that your grammer and bias would be at a professional level when making a website and writing about other's lives. It would be an important thing to remember if you hope to have a future in journalism 'fratboy'.
The story is what it is, a drunk college student got hit by a train.
That's all we reported. It doesn't make fun of the student or do anything inappropriate. We thought the story was somewhat out of the ordinary (since most drunk college students do not get hit by trains too often) so we reported it.
It is in no means meant to disrespect the student, or his choices, whatsoever.
In every outlet of media, family and friends can be particularly sensitive to what words are chosen and that has to just be understood by every reader. Think about what those families of the Virginia Tech students were forced to deal with and some of he poor choices of words used in each article, reports and telecast.
As for Mr. Anonymous #3, you can't complain about a lack of professionalism in journalism if you can't even spell grammar correctly.
So if you don't like the site, just stop reading it.
dream on buddy...
Frats are for kids who cant make their own friends by themselves.
Fuck you Frat Boy!!get a life you prick! think about how words affect people!!
Fuck you Frat Boy!!get a life you prick! think about how words affect people!!
wow.... all i can say is you are some cocky dude.... adam is my cousin and reading this on your page made me very upset... BEFORE i even read your comment conversation... first of all get the facts straight... train... read your story you wrote truck... second of all.. getting run over... is very harsh... and third... when someone close to him expresses their feelings about such article there is no need to be an ass.... did you know him? no... did you grow up with him? no.... it's been awhile now since he passed and i still get emotional everytime i see a picture or even think of him... i dont know what your deal is... but calm down and put yourself in our shoes... and change the way you talked to everyone in this comment conversation
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