Monday, July 30, 2007

Florida's Lawyers Say Christian Frat Can't Win Lawsuit

UF Lawyers Say Christian Frat Doesn't Have a Case

Lawyers at the University of Florida are saying the brothers of Beta Upsilon Chi don't have a chance to win a lawsuit alleging that the university discriminated against the Christian fraternity.

Beta Upsilon Chi, a Christian fraternity known as "Brothers Under Christ," says the university won't allow them to become a student organization because its members are required to be Christian. The university says such organizations must be more diverse and allow participation of any student that wants to join.

"(Beta Upsilon Chi) has not been treated differently than any other similarly situated group," the university's attorney's told the fraternity's lawyer in a letter.

The fraternity filed an official complaint July 10. It is not yet known when the lawsuit will head to court.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The university is treating them like shit.

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