Boston College Wants to Cut Back Partying
The Frat Boy News Daily Police Report
Boston College (compiled by College students caught partying off campus this school year will face arrest as the school rolls out a new zero-tolerance policy and team policing to cut down on the raucous undergraduate revelry that disturbs Brighton neighbors.
“We are sending a message, setting the tone, and we want to see how this works,” said BC’s vice president of community affairs, Tom Keady, at a BC task force meeting Tuesday.
Under BC’s plan, the school would hire five Boston Police officers to patrol problem areas such as Cleveland Circle, Chestnut Hill Avenue and Lake Street on Thursday through Saturday nights side by side with Boston College Police. The school would pay for the overtime details with its own funds. “To my knowledge, this has never been done before,” Keady said in reference to the team policing.
In the past, BC Police only had jurisdiction on campus and could do little to stop off-campus parties, BC Police Chief Robert Morse said. This year, the BC Police are working on obtaining sheriff’s powers in Suffolk County.
“Zero tolerance means they’ll be arrested,” Morse said. “We’re hiring Boston Police to arrest students.”
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