Thursday, January 25, 2007

Lehigh Crows Taking Traditional Frat Boy Approach to Problem Solving

Crow Fraternity Loses House
Lehigh Frat Loses Place to Hang its Hat

As reported last week here at the Frat Boy News, Lehigh's chapter of Alpha Chi Rho is getting booted out of their house.

As a follow to the story, the Crows did in fact get kicked out on Wednesday, becoming the first fraternity to be a victim of Lehigh's Greek occupancy rule. The 24 brothers failed to fill their house, and when they returned from winter break, found out they were being forced to move out. The university requires 90 percent occupancy, something Alpha Chi Rho hasn't been able to for the past 4 semesters.

''Lehigh's less fun,'' said Tyler Rock, the university's IFC president. ''It's like, 'What's Lehigh going to do now to reduce fun?'''

Check out a video, posted by the Morning Call made by the brothers here.

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