Saturday, February 17, 2007

Kappa Alpha Psi Played Cupid on V-Day

Fraternity to Appreciate SJSU Women

While most fraternity guys across the country were using Valentine's Day as an excuse to get laid, the brothers of San Jose State's Kappa Alpha Psi chapter tried to make a difference, of course the kind of difference being one that may get them laid.

Several members of Kappa Alpha Psi passed out "Candygrams" to the women of the university on Wednesday.

"We're giving our candygrams to the young ladies that day that do - or do not - have boyfriends," said Chidi Ohaeri, a sophomore brother majoring in psychology. "It's our way of showing the women of SJSU that we do care and that we take them everyday as a blessing that they are on our campus."

"That's a sweet thing to do," said one girl. "It'll make them popular. It's a good way to advertise themselves. I'll feel bad for whoever doesn't get one."

"It's a good concept," said Dennis Cajina, a junior brother of the fraternity Gamma Zeta Alpha. "It's something nice, it's unexpected and it can make someone's day. Women are beautiful and great, and that's why we love women."

That's right Dennis, women are beautiful and great. Too bad your frat didn't think of it first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Rizzy Rizzy Chi needs to get laid and stop hating on men. Its people like this who ruin events like this for frats and portray us as guys who are just into parties and sex. This was a dumb blog!

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