Friday, March 23, 2007

Arizona Won't Ban Alcohol at Frats Like ASU

UA Not Likely to Copy ASU's Frat Alcohol Ban

Arizona State University banned alcohol at fraternities last week for a month, but officials at it's cross-state neighbor say a similar ban won't take place on their campus.

Although the University of Arizona says it has the power to ban alcohol at anytime, officials say they won't.

"Technically, a ban could happen at any campus anywhere," Anthony Skevakis said. "It depends on the amount and type of behavior, but if there is an incident that we need to take action for we absolutely reserve the right to do so." Skevakis works as a program coordinator in the student life office at Arizona.

"Alcohol does play a major role in crimes on campus, but a ban on drinking at fraternities won't eliminate drinking on campus," said a campus police officer. "We need to hold individuals accountable for their behavior. ... Not all fraternities drink and participate in criminal acts; some are taking an active role in eliminating criminal behavior by policing themselves."

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