Tuesday, March 06, 2007

ΑΔΠ Sisters Get Handcuffed

Sorority Members' Fundraiser Slaps on the 'Cuffs

The girls of Penn State's Alpha Delta Pi chapter took fundraising to a whole new level last weekend. To raise money for the Ronald McDonald house, the girls handcuffed themselves to strangers, and had to walk around campus and raise money until they gathered enough money to post pail.

"We tried begging people in the line at the Waffle Shop, but mostly they just laughed at us," Jon Slomka said, who was handcuffed to a junior sister. "So we rode the bus around for a while, begging for money from tour groups. Even the bus driver gave us some."

The girls raised over $500 this year in their first try at the event. That's pretty good for making a fetish a reality.

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