Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Michigan Frat Guys Beat Up Teen at Sorority Party

The Frat Boy News daily campus police report for Sunday:

University of Michigan
(compiled by The Ann Arbor News)
An 18-year-old University of Michigan student said he was providing security for a sorority party when a group of fraternity members attacked him early Saturday, Ann Arbor Police said.

The student said he was serving as a doorman for a party at a sorority in the 1300 block of Washtenaw Avenue when a group of four or five fraternity members tried to enter at 2 a.m. without paying, reports said. He said he escorted them out, then one man grabbed his genitals and punched him in the face as he was doubling over, reports said.

The student said he was pushed to the ground and punched, and then men ripped his $400 cashmere sweater, reports said. He said he was not injured, and the attackers have not been identified.

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