Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Zeta Psi Hazing Video Pulled From YouTube

YouTube Video Depicts Zete Hazing

A video called "Zete Hazing" which was originally posted on in November was pulled off the site on Monday. The video showed alleged acts of hazing by the Zeta Psi fraternity, which was de-recognized by Dartmouth in the fall.

According to the Dartmouth Online, "The video depicts a member of Zeta Psi digging in the backyard as objects are thrown down at him by other members on the third floor balcony. Lawn chairs and cups full of liquid are thrown down at the member on the ground. At one point, the members on the balcony light a book on fire, telling the member below that he better save his pledge book before it is completely destroyed.

While he runs upstairs to save it, the group of brothers above throw it off the balcony. At the end of the five-minute and four-second tape, the men on the balcony go inside as the member outside cleans up the debris. The video was shot by a group of unknown females with their commentary running throughout the footage."

Because Zeta Psi is no longer recognized by the college, its hazing policies and disciplinary actions cannot be implemented. It may hurt the fraternity when they re-apply for recognization next fall.

Four members from Zeta Psi who were contacted by the Dartmouth student newspaper refused to comment on the video.

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