Saturday, May 12, 2007

Campus Girl of the Day: Ciara Schmalfeld

The Frat Boy News Campus Girl of the Day

Ciara Schmalfeld, of the University of Arizona, is this weekend's Campus Girl.

Ciara's Details
Name: Ciara Schmalfeld
College: University of Arizona
Hometown: Buffalo, New York
Year in College: Sophomore
Major/Minor: Finance/Marketing
Age: 20
Birthday: March 11, 1987
Height: 5'8"
Bust Size: 32D
Favorite Drink: Chocolate Peanut Butter Milkshakes : )
Current Job: Getting ready for a job in bartending.
Favorite Movie: Anything funny or scary *no true favorite*
Favorite Actor: Don't have any...I deal with my own life, not celebs.
Hobbies: Modeling, meeting new people, baking, traveling, exploring, speed car racing, roller coasters, skydiving, shocking people and spoiling someone special.
Favorite Thing About College: The ability to meet new people and being able to wear/do whatever I want.
Plans After Graduation: To get a good job in Hedge funds, then own many assets which will allow me to quit and travel the world. Also, a fiance somewhere in there so I can spoil him with my love and affection.

Each and everyday a different Campus Girl from around the country will be featured on The Frat Boy News. If you would like to be chosen as a Campus Girl of the Day, drop us an email at

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