Wednesday, August 01, 2007

'Robot Chicken' May Have Provoked Iota Phi Theta President to Threaten Massacre

Frat Adviser: Cartoon May Have Prompted Threat

An episode of Cartoon Network's 'Robot Chicken' may have provoked the president of Iota Phi Theta's chapter at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville to threaten a massacre similar to that of Virginia Tech's at the campus, the fraternity's adviser told police.

Olutosin O. Oduwole, the fraternity's president, was charged by police and is being held in jail after failing to post $1,000,000 bond. Inside his car, police found handwritten threats of violence unless specific conditions were met, police said.

According to police, Oduwole demanded money be sent to his PayPal account. In the note, police said he wrote "if this account doesn't reach $50,000 in the next 7 days then a murderous rampage similar to the VT shooting will occur at another highly populated university. THIS IS NOT A JOKE!"

In a 'Robot Chicken' episode, a gun is held to the head of an animated bunny rabbit and demanded to give money, which is where the adviser said Oduwole got the idea.

Police said that Oduwole had earlier this month purchased three semi-automatic handguns online, as well as a fourth semi-automatic weapon, an uzi-type firearm.

Oduwole also has aspirations of becoming a rapper, the adviser told police.

"He really wanted to get involved in the hip-hop industry, but I wanted him to do it the right way," the adviser said.

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