Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Not So Hot in the Desert: Arizona Students Having Less Sex

Student Sex Declining

Students at the University of Arizona are having sex less. Perhaps its the seven fraternitys that are not allowed to serve alcohol at parties, but a new study shows that only "75 percent of seniors and 55 percent of freshmen reported ever having sex". This is apparently a decline from the crazy 80's and 90's.

The study was administered by Campus Health Services, with the aid of Mr. Condom, pictured above. They also gave out various party gifts at booths which students helped themselves to. "Condoms, lube, pamphlets - just whatever," Jill Nguyen, a molecular and cellular biology senior said. "I got a compass, too."

Some more interesting products than your standard prophylactics were also on hand.

"Campus Health pharmacists were at the event to show students the products they offer, including personal lubricants, female condoms and dental dams."

Let me editorialize for a minute here: Has anyone reading this ever used a dental dam in an "intimate" situation? If so, please reply to this post. They just seem so goofy...

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